About the Conference
For the first time, the
2025 7th REEPE Conference will take place on 8-10 April 2025 at three international venues:
Venue 1: Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Moscow, Russian Federation;
Venue 2: College of Engineering & Technology, AASTMS, Cairo, Egypt;
Venue 3: College of Engineering, AUS, Sharjah, United Arab of Emirates.
The 2025 7th International Youth Conference on Radio Electronics, Electrical and Power Engineering (REEPE) is an international forum for the exchange of ideas, novelties, and information relating to electrical power and energy engineering, signal processing, computer engineering, nuclear engineering, and mechanical engineering, among others.
A number of topics are covered at the REPEE conference, including nuclear and mechanical applications, voltage regulation for electricity networks exceeding 1150 kV, techniques to enhance dynamic stability in power systems, applications of soft computing in power systems, methods for testing overhead power line support, methods for regulating electrical energy, monitoring power quality, and assessing the impact of modern electrical appliances on the electricity supply system. Further, research interests include designing, developing, modeling, operating, managing, medical devices and diagnostic engineering, engineering management, and evaluating the efficiency of power plants based on renewable energy sources, as well as modeling of natural processes for practical application, high voltage technology, relay protection, and automation related issues.
The REEPE Conference is a prestigious event that unites engineers, designers, industry professionals, and university researchers to discuss power and energy systems, environmental issues, and offers networking and knowledge sharing opportunities.
The 7th REEPE conference 2025 has been added to the calendar of IEEE and IEEE IAS as follows:
The conference is technically co-sponsored by:
The REEPE conference proceedings publication:
From 2019 until now, all proceedings of the REEPE conference have been published on IEEE Xplore and indexed in SCOPUS.
REEPE Conference Benefits:
Several high-quality papers will be given the opportunity to be further reviewed and submitted free of charge to one of the two IEEE IAS periodicals: IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications or IEEE Industry Applications Magazine (subjects should be related to IEEE IAS Tracks).
The information about these journals can be illustrated as follows:
II) Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.
III) First and second place diplomas will be awarded to the authors of the best-introduced papers during each section of the conference.
IV) The REEPE conference will issue a certificate of participation and presentation to all participants.
Conference fields of interest
Power, Energy, and Industry Applications;
Nuclear and Mechanical Science Applications;
Components, Circuits, Devices, and Systems;
Fields, Waves, and Electromagnetics;
Computing, Signal Processing, and Analysis;
Medical Devices and Diagnostic Engineering;
Engineering Management and Financial Engineering;
Working language
Important Information
Authors' Guidelines:
- Submitted papers should include original work that has not been published or submitted elsewhere;
- Papers must be written in the English language only;
- Papers should be submitted by the following link: Submit manuscript. Submitted papers must be prepared according to the IEEE template examples provided hereREGISTRATION. Detailed instructions for authors can be found here AUTHOR KIT.
The length of all submitted papers should not be less than five pages and not more than six pages, including an abstract, an introduction, a formulation of the problem, figures, tables, results, conclusions, and references;
- The length of the abstract should range from 75 to 150 words.;
A clear, one-and-a-half-page introduction is recommended, including a review of the relevant literature and the contribution that the proposed research would make in two or three bullet points.;;
The conclusion should not be shorter than 100 words and should emphasize the significance of the research work and future research.;;
It is recommended that the paper be no longer than six pages, and additional pages up to nine pages will be charged at a rate of 20 USD per page or 1500 Rubles per page.
REEPE Policy:
It is imperative to provide a clear explanation of the originality and relevance of the submitted papers to the relevant fields of interest for the REEPE conference;
It is important that the submitted paper has never been published elsewhere, or submitted to another journal or conference, or has not been under review by another journal or conference. As a result, the authors of the submitted paper will not be prohibited from publishing the paper internationally;
The submitted paper must not have more than six authors;
- It is not permitted for an author to submit more than three papers to any of the venues of the REEPE conference;
REEPE conference considers a single-blind review process: authors declare their names and affiliations in their manuscripts for reviewers to see, but reviewers are not allowed to know each other's identities, nor are the authors informed of who has reviewed their manuscripts;
- There are no online presentations. All submitted papers at any venue must be presented orally at the same registered venue (In-person);
IEEE Xplore will not include papers that have not been presented orally at any conference venues. Furthermore, according to conference policy, registration fees will not be refunded if the paper is removed from consideration for publication;
- It is not the responsibility of the organizing committee to deal with problems beyond its control, such as weather conditions, campus conditions, travel difficulties, visa problems, etc.;
- The organizing committee reserves the right to change the conference dates and place due to force majeure;
- As a result of the force majeure events, losses incurred will not be reimbursable or refunds will not be applicable.
International Plenary Speakers

Prof. Dr. Ali M. Eltamaly
Full Professor, PhD., Chair professor of Saudi Electricity Company in power system reliability and security, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Mansura University, Mansura, Egypt. Email:

Prof. Dr. Mostafa Shaaban Associate Professor, Ph.D., Dept. of Electrical Engineering, American University of Sharjah, Sharjah, Emirates. Email:
Will be announced in March 2025
Important Dates
Full paper submission (start date):
October 15, 2024;
Final full paper submission (Deadline/End date):
February 15, 2025;
First Notification:
March 06, 2025;
Final Notification of acceptance
March 26, 2025;
Conference Event Dates:
April 8-10, 2025;
REEPE conference team:
Venues address:
Venue 1:
17 Krasnokazarmennaya St., Moscow Power Engineering Institute, National Research University, 111250 Moscow, Russian Federation.
Venue 2:
Gamal Mokhtar Hall, El Moushir Ahmed Ismail St.،, Sheraton Al Matar, College of Engineering and Technology, Heliopolis Campus, AASTMT, Cairo 11757, Arab Republic of Egypt.
Venue 3:
AUS of Sharjah, University City Sharjah, P.O. 26666, United Arab of Emirates.
7th REEPE's announcement can also be found on the following website: