
Participant must choose one of the REEPE IEEE conference template Examples (template-different affiliation or template-same affiliation) shall be submitted on the following link:

Submit manuscript


1-      It is recommended that the abstract be between 75 and 150 words in length.

2-       Introductions should be clear and no less than one and a half pages in length.

3-        The conclusion should not be less than 100 words in length.  

Each paper must have a maximum of six authors. It is not permitted for an author to publish more than three articles in one issue.

Authors who wish to participate in the conference need to register and submit a full paper (5/6 pages, 2 columns in IEEE template format) on October 15, 2024, along with a registration for each submitted full paper. For author guide and instructions, See AUTHOR KIT section.

The paper should clearly explain the originality and relevance to the fields and should be uploaded in electronic format. All submitted papers will be evaluated by a peer-review process. Authors whose papers are accepted for presentation will be requested to provide the copyrights form of IEEE that will be informed by IEEE. In addition, all papers will be provided for Camera Ready to check the plagiarism percentage.

Registration Fees for participants in the conference venues:

  1. The fees for the 7th REEPE conference per presented paper are 12000 ₽ (Rubles) for local participants (Russia venue), 10000 EGP (Egyptian pounds) for local participants (Egypt venue), 750 AED (Derham) for local participants (Emirates venue), and 200 $ (Dollars) for participants from other countries; 
  2. The IEEE members will receive 25% discount;
  3. The student IEEE members will receive 40% discount;
  4. For non-IEEE members: the discount is 25% for the second article and 50% for the third submitted papers.
  5. For participants - employees of MPEI, Arab Academy, and AUS of Sharjah: the discount for the first article is 25% and for the second and third articles is 50%.
  6. For participants - students or postgraduates of MPEI, Arab Academy, and AUS of Sharjah: the discount for the first article is 50% and for the second and third articles is 75%. 

The Payment Method:

Will be started based on the procedures of the REEPE conference from January 31, 2025, to March 01, 2025

Once the final acceptance of each participant's paper is received, each participant will be informed how to pay for the publication.

There are three forms of payment:

1-      For Russian venue:  Download the file and Follow the instructions;

2-      For AASMT academy venue Download the file and Follow the instructions: EGY pounds; $ Dollars

3-      For AUS of Sharjah venue;

It is necessary to upload a copy of the payment order to the personal account (member account):   in order to confirm the payment.