
Organising committee

Honorary Chairs

Prof. Dr. Yaser Galal

Dean – Dean of College of Engineering and Technology (Heliopolis),
Professor – Electrical and Control Engineering,
Arab Academy University, AASTMT, Cairo, Egypt

Prof. Dr. Fadi Aloul

Dean – College of Engineering,
Professor – Computer Science & Engineering,
AUS of Sharjah, United Arab of Emirates

General Conference Chairs

Technical Program Chairs

Conference founders

Prof. Dr. Rinat Nasyrov

Interim Head of the Department of Electrical Power Systems;
Associate Professor – Electrical Power Engineering;
Moscow Power Engineering Institute, NRU,
Moscow, Russia.

Email: NasyrovRR@mpei.ru

Tel. +7(495)362-76-48;

Dr. Mohamed A. Tolba(Senior IEEE member)

Associate Professor – Electrical Power Engineering;
- Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority, Cairo, Egypt;
- Moscow Power Engineering Institute, NRU,
Moscow, Russia.

Email: matolba@ieee.org

Tel/Watts/telegram: +2(010)9069-37-92


Conference Co-Chairs

Technical Program Co-Chairs

Prof. Dr. Rania M. El Sharkawy

Dean of Education (Cairo Campus);
Professor – High Voltage Engineering,
College of Engineering and Technology, Arab
Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime
Transport University (AASTMT), Cairo, Egypt.

Email: rania.m.elsharkawy@gmail.com

Prof. Dr. Mostafa Shaaban

Interim Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering;
Associate Professor – Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering,
American University of Sharjah,Sharjah, Emirates.

Email: mshaaban@aus.edu

Dr. Mohammed Alhasheem(IEEE member)

Consoler of IEEE AASTMT, Cairo STB, Egypt;
Assistant Professor – Electrical and Control Engineering;
College of Engineering and Technology, Arab
Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime
Transport University (AASTMT), Cairo, Egypt.

Email: moa@ieee.org

Publicity and public relation Сhair

Dr. Artem S. Vanin

Associate Professor – Electrical Power Engineering;
Moscow Power Engineering Institute, NRU,
Moscow, Russia.

Email: artem.vanin@gmail.com

Treasurer Chair

Eng. Liana Vitalievna

Head of the educational laboratory of the Department of Electrical Power systems,
Moscow Power Engineering Institute, NRU,
Moscow, Russia.

Email: ShavaliyevaLV@mpei.ru

IEEE Student Branch Board of MPEI, Moscow, Russia

Eng. Timur Khairullin

Student, MPEI, Moscow, Russia.
Email: khairullinti@ieee.org

Dr. Mohamed A. Tolba

(Senior IEEE member)
Email: matolba@ieee.org

Eng. Helen Svetlova

Student, MPEI, Moscow, Russia.

Eng. Aleksandra Ilina

Student, MPEI, Moscow, Russia.

Eng. Shamil Nasibov

Student, MPEI, Moscow, Russia.

Institutes and centers organization sessions for the conference

Electrical Power Systems Department, Moscow Power Engineering Institute, NRU

Eng. Irina Anisimova

Track and Session Secretary of the REEPE conference
Senior Lecturer
Email: Zubkovais@mpei.ru

Eng. Anastasiia Chernyshova

Technical Program Secretary of the REEPE conference
Assistant Lecturer

Dr. Maxim Burmeyster

Technical Program Secretary of the REEPE conference
Lecturer, Ph.D.,

Email: BurmeysterMV@mpei.ru

Dr. Ramis V. Bulatov

Lecturer, Ph.D.,

Email: bulatov_rv@inbox.ru

Eng. Alyona S. Solovyeva

Assistant Lecturer

Email: alyona.demidenko.98@mail.ru

Eng. Anastasiya A. Kurnaleeva

Assistant Lecturer

Email: KurnaleevaAA@mpei.ru

Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Moscow Power Engineering Institute, NRU

Prof. Dr. Roman Kulikov

Associate professor, PhD.,
Dept. of Radio Systems.
Director of the IREE Institute.
Moscow, Russia.

Email: KulikovRS@mpei.ru

Prof. Dr. Ansar Safin

Associate professor, PhD.,
Dept. of Formation and processing of radio signals.

Email: arsafin@gmail.com

Dr. Maria Fedorova

Lecturer, PhD.,
Dept. of Industrial Electronics.

Email: FedorovaMI@mpei.ru

Center of Scientific Publication Analytics and International Ranking Research (CPR),
Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU), Moscow, Russia

Prof. Dr. Mikhail Ivanov

Professor, PhD.,
Head of the CPR
Email: mivanov@bmstu.ru

Dr. Hammoud Ahmad,

Deputy Head of the CPR.

Email: hammoud@bmstu.ru

Eng. Ksenia Zykova

Deputy Head of the CPR

Email: zykova.ki@bmstu.ru

Eng. Daria Voronkova

Lead Engineer of the CPR.

Email: voronkovadk@bmstu.ru

Program committee

Prof. Dr. Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz (IEEE Senior member), Electrical Power Engineering Dept., Ain Shams University, Egypt. E-mail: almoataz_abdelaziz@eng.asu.edu.eg;

Prof. Dr. Ali M. Eltamaly, Full Prof. Electrical Engineering Department, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. E-mail: eltamaly@ksu.edu.sa

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Shaat, Reactors Engineering Dept., Nuclear Research Center, Atomic Energy Authority, Egypt. E-mail: m_shaat@yahoo.com;

Prof. Dr. Abdel-Rahman Elkafas, Reactors Engineering Dept., Nuclear Research Center, Atomic Energy Authority, Egypt. E-mail: alkafas@yahoo.com;

Prof. Dr. Nader M. A. Mohamed, Reactors Engineering Dept., Nuclear Research Center, Atomic Energy Authority, Egypt. E-mail: Nader.mohamed@eaea.org.eg;

Prof. Dr. Ayman Azab Eisa, National Center for Radiation Research and Technology, Atomic Energy Authority, Egypt. E-mail: ayman_eisa@yahoo.com;

Prof. Dr. Hegazy Rezk, College of Engineering at Wadi Aldawaser, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia and Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Minia University. E-mail: hegazy.hussien@mu.edu.eg;

Associate Prof. Dr. Said A. Kotb, Reactors Engineering Dept., Nuclear Research Center, Atomic Energy Authority, Egypt. E-mail: saidabdou74@yahoo.com;

Associate Prof. Dr. Vladimir N. Tulsky, Electrical Power Systems Dept., Moscow Power Engineering Institute, National Research University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: TulskyVN@mpei.ru;

Associate Prof. Dr. Essam H. Houssein, Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Research Affairs, Faculty of Computers & Information, Minia University, El-Minia, Egypt. Founder and Chair of the Computing & Artificial Intelligence Research Group (CAIRG). Email: essam.halim@mu.edu.eg;

Associate Prof. Dr. Ali M. El-Rifaie, College of Engineering and Technology, American University of Middle East, Kuwait. E-mail: ali.el-refaie@aum.edu.kW;

Associate Prof. Dr. Abdelfattah Y. Soliman, Nuclear Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia. E-mail: ausoliman@kau.edu.sa;

Associate. Prof. Dr. Magdy Zaky Abdelaal, Engineering Dept., Nuclear Research Center, Atomic Energy Authority, Egypt. E-mail: zaky_magdy@yahoo.com;

Associate Prof. Dr. Ahmed Mohamed (El-Tallawy), Electrical Power Engineering Dept., City University of New York, New York, USA.E-mail: amohamed@ccny.cuny.edu;

Associate Prof. Dr. Ahmed A. Zaki Diab, Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Minia University. E-mail: a.diab@mu.edu.eg;

Associate Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdelaziz Mohamed, Electrical Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Minia University, Minia, Egypt. E-mail: dr.mohamed.abdelaziz@mu.edu.eg. Postdoctoral Research Fellow at College of Electrical Engineering & Automation, Fuzhou University, China. E-mail: dr.mohamed.abdelaziz@fzu.edu.cn.

Assistant Prof. Dr. Andrei Valianskii, Electrical Power Engineering Dept., Moscow Power Engineering Institute, National Research University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: ValianskyAV@mpei.ru;

Assistant Prof. Ahmed R. Adly, Reactors Engineering Department, Nuclear Research Center, Atomic Energy Authority, Egypt. E-mail: ahmed.adly@eaea.org.eg;

Associate Prof. Rowayda F. Mahmoud,Reactors Engineering Department, Nuclear Research Center, Atomic Energy Authority, Egypt. E-mail:  eng-Rowayda.Fayez@alexu.edu.eg;

Assistant Prof. Abdelfattah Ali, Reactors Engineering Department, Nuclear Research Center, Atomic Energy Authority, Egypt. E-mail:  abdelfatah.ali_eg@yahoo.com;

Assistant Prof. Dr. Khaled Hamdy Mohamed Ibrahim, Production Engineering and Machine Design Department, Faculty of Engineering, Minia University, Egypt. E-mail: Eng_khaled2222@mu.edu.eg;

Dr. Ibrahim Alwazah,Assistant Lecturer, Electrical Power Systems Dept., Moscow Power Engineering Institute, National Research University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: AlvazaI@mpei.ru;

Eng. Anastasiya A. Kurnaleeva,Assistant Lecturer, Electrical Power Systems Dept., Moscow Power Engineering Institute, National Research University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail KurnaleevaAA@mpei.ru;

Eng. Alyona S. Solovyeva,Assistant Lecturer, Electrical Power Systems Dept., Moscow Power Engineering Institute, National Research University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: alyona.demidenko.98@mail.ru;